Flash / PHP Mail form problem


Having read numerous tutorials (including the one held on kirupa) on flash / php mail forms I have managed to get mail sent to an email address. However when I add validation functions or use validation functions I seem to run into problems. It would appear from the output of the php file that the validation happens successfully, however the mail function has ceased to work!?

The flash file contains the following:
Layer 1 - frame labels
Layer 2 - stop methods for the five frames
Frame 1
Frame 2
Frame 3
Frame 4
Frame 5
Layer 3 -
Frame 1 - spans the 5 frames
Actionscript for the form (see below)
Layer 4 -
Frame 1
bttnSubmit - Submit button
Layer 5 -
Frame 1 - spans the 5 frames
textAlert - debugging alert textbox
Layer 6 -
Frame 1
Form: textName, textEmail, textMessage
Frame 2
textProcessing (Processing msg text box)
Frame 3
textError (Server Error msg text box)
Frame 4
textInvalid (Invalid email msg text box)

The actionscript contained in layer 3 is:

dataSender = new LoadVars();
dataReceiver = new LoadVars();
bttnSubmit.onRelease = function() {
//final check to make sure fields are completed
if (textName.text != ‘’ && textEmail.text != ‘’ && textMessage.text != ‘’) {
textAlert.text = "Text in fields " . textEmail.text;
//clear any previous error messages or warnings
//advance playhead to frame 2 - the “processing” message
//assign properties to LoadVars object created previously
dataSender.name = textName.text;
dataSender.email = textEmail.text;
dataSender.message = textMessage.text;
//callback function - how to handle what comes back
dataReceiver.onLoad = function() {
if (this.response == “invalid”) {
} else if (this.response == “error”) {
} else if (this.response == “passed”) {
//now send data to script
dataSender.sendAndLoad(“processEmail.php”, dataReceiver, “POST”);
} else {
//warning if user tries to submit before completing form
textAlert.text = “Please complete all fields before submitting form.”;

The processEmail.php file contains:

   $toAddress = "excess_euphoria@hotmail.com";
   $subject = "Message from website";
   $headers  =  "From: " . $_POST["name"];
   $headers .= "<" . $email . ">
   $headers .= "Reply-To: " . $email . "
   $headers .= "Return-Path: " . $email;
 function validate_email($email) {
   global $HTTP_HOST;
   if (eregi("^[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9._%-]+\.[A-Z]{2,6}$", $email)) {
 	return 0;
   else {
 	return 1;
 $valid = validate_email($email);
 switch ($valid) {
   case 0:
 	//clear the variables
 	echo 'response=passed';
   case 1:
 	 echo 'response=invalid';
   case 2:
 	 echo 'response=error';
 }//end switch

The pieces of code have been simplifed from code found in tutorials. All that I wish to do for now is have the email address validated correctly and have the flash file behave properly, responding to the output from the php.

I hope this is detailed enough for someone to help, thankyou.

  • chromis