Flash PHP Mail Form > to CGI?


I’m currently running a mail form through flash where people can submit their e-mail address. I host my site through dreamhost and they already have a neat Announcement list CGI module that collects the subscribers online and a lot of other features. What i’d like to do is figure out the simplest way to switch over to the Dreamhost version.

My Version:

sendBtn.onRelease = function() {
	trace("mailList Submit");
        if (thanks.text != "") {
                sendVar = new LoadVars();
                getVar = new LoadVars();
                sendVar.email = thanks.text;
                thanks.text = "Transmitting";
                getVar.onLoad = function(success) {
                        if (success) {
                                thanks.text = this.stat;
                        } else {
                                thanks.text = "Flash Error";
                sendVar.sendAndLoad("form.php", getVar, "POST");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
myListener = new Object();
myListener.onKeyDown = function () {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
thanks.onSetFocus = function () {
        thanks.text = "";


$email = $_POST['email'];  
if (!preg_match("/.*@.*..*/", $email) | preg_match("/(<|> )/", $email)) {
    print ("&stat=Invalid Email Address");
$to = "[email protected]";
$msg = "$email

$subj = "Mailing List";
$header = "From: $email <$email>
$header .= "Reply-To: $email
$isSent = mail($to, $subj, $msg, $header);
print ($isSent) ? "&stat=Thank You!" : "&stat=Error Sending Mail";
