Flash->PHP->MySQL CMS Kirupa Style!

Well, most of the components are up there already… I know it has been mentioned before, but why haven’t one of the Kirupa heavyweights put together the Kirupa Content Management System tutorial? I have to get this together for a couple projects I’m working on over the next several months, but I can guarantee you if I were to put together a tutorial, it would be nothing close to best-practice coding…

Sounds like a good idea…

I’ve been working on one myself using flash, php, mysql, and xml/rss. My Mini CMS Link

Yeah a CMS tutorial would be $%@! great!



this is as far as i got :sigh:

Dreamweaver->ASP->Access would certainly be an easier solution, development-wise. I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but MySQL + PHP definitely has the performance and cost advantage from what I understand. Plus, from the DB guys I know, the advantages of using a relational database (i.e. SQL) become very important when your project grows larger, as these things always do. I guess the frontend (HTML/Flash/CF) doesn’t really matter, except Flash does give you the ability to provide a better UI, in my experience.

I’ve been looking at the cellRenderer API on Sephiroth, and using the serializer class, this seems to be very helpful.


Perhaps it would be a good idea to have different people develop different portions of the tutorial seperately, I suspect nobody’s tackled it at this point because of the time commitment required in developing the whole thing…

Your right. Bascially, I used Dreamweaver/ASP/Access is because like you said, easier to do if your a beginner at this stuff.

One man can’t write a tutorial on a CMS, unless that person was Senocular (you and your 40 page XML tutorials :king: ).

I am going to bring this up with the mods right now actually. There have been so many requests, that it’s time to get it going.