Flash, PHP & mySQL - LIMIT problem

Hello… I think this is my first post :ponder:

Okay, I’m using PHP to output data from mySQL as XML. Then using flash to display it. I’m using LIMIT in my call to the database, to show only 2 results at a time. There could be only 2 rows or there could be 999 rows, but I would only like to display 2 at a time. I’d think it reduces the like… immediate download time? Right?

Anyway… I’d like to be able to have a button which, when pressed, would display the 2nd and 3rd row’s data, and then the 3rd and 4th’s and so on… I think I’d have to increase the starting variable ($x) and reload the php data.Is that right?..

How do I do that? Change the $x in the php from the flash file.

Or is there a better way? If I loaded up the whole table into the php file, I could easily use flash to navigate through the outputted xml, but… that would increase the load time dramatically, wouldn’t it?

Is using xml the best way to do it? Would it be easier if I just parsed using php without converting it to xml?

Thanks for taking the time to read, and sorry for all the questions :slight_smile:
