hello … i´ve seen this tutorial http://www.kirupa.com/developer/actionscript/flash_php_mysql.htm and yet i can´t manage to get my variables to pass from a php file to flash movie
i´ve tried just as it said in the tutorial and yet can´t make the variables pass to the flash movie …
Any help appreciated …
Many Thanks :
Hugo M. Matinho:azn: :hr:
page one has this code
function get_current_datestamp(){
//get the current timestamp
$currdate = gmdate("Ymd");
$currday = substr($currdate,6,2);
$currmonth = substr($currdate,4,2);
$curryear = substr($currdate,0,4);
$currdate_stamp = ($currday . "-" . $currmonth . "-" . $curryear);
return $currdate_stamp;
}//end of function get_current_datestamp;
page two the one i called data.php has the following code
include "datestamp.php";
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<link href="css/data.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
print "myvar=$data";
actionscript has the following code:
[AS]onClipEvent (load) {
//assuming you have a personal web server and PHP installed locally
loadVariables(“http://localhost/test/data.php”, this, “GET”);