Flash php problem

hello … i´ve seen this tutorial http://www.kirupa.com/developer/actionscript/flash_php_mysql.htm and yet i can´t manage to get my variables to pass from a php file to flash movie

i´ve tried just as it said in the tutorial and yet can´t make the variables pass to the flash movie …
Any help appreciated …
Many Thanks :
Hugo M. Matinho:azn: :hr:

page one has this code

function get_current_datestamp(){ 

//get the current timestamp 
$currdate = gmdate("Ymd"); 
$currday = substr($currdate,6,2); 
$currmonth = substr($currdate,4,2); 
$curryear = substr($currdate,0,4); 
$currdate_stamp = ($currday . "-" . $currmonth . "-" . $curryear); 
return $currdate_stamp; 

}//end of function get_current_datestamp; 


page two the one i called data.php has the following code

include "datestamp.php";
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<link href="css/data.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

print "myvar=$data";


actionscript has the following code:
[AS]onClipEvent (load) {
//assuming you have a personal web server and PHP installed locally
loadVariables(“http://localhost/test/data.php”, this, “GET”);

you would need to attach your files so we can spot mistakes (if any).

…or at least your code for both AS and PHP

code displayed

replace your page by

include "datestamp.php";
print "&myvar=$data";

in flash, textfield with either variable name "myvar"
or better textfield.text = myvar

(and post PHP questions in server-side please)

thanks it works fine now :slight_smile: thank you very much
and sorry for having posted it in the wrong section

bemvenido…if that’s how it’s spelled…? :wink: