I want to load HTML into flash, modify it, save/update back to server using PHP.
Loading into flash works fine, saving it back thought not so well, because PHP adds in front of each " and ’ letter 1 slash (its like parsing has to be changed or smthng). I am using loadVars saveAndLoad to send data to php script and retrieve acknowledgement back from server.
PHP script is as follows:
$filename = $_POST["filename"];
$raw_html = $_POST["content"];
print $raw_html;
$fp = fopen($filename, "w");
fwrite($fp, $raw_html);
where “filename” is the name of the HTML file that “content” has to be saved into; and “content” is updated HTML, which was updated inside flash and has to be saved back to server.
When i trace loadVars.content before sending it to PHP, it contains no additional slashes. Example:
<textformat leading="7"><p><br> Každá inštrukcia je vykonávaná ako sekvencia krokov. Tieto kroky zodpovedajúce 1 inštrukcii sa spoločne nazývajú inštrukčný cyklus.
Ako taký inštrukčný cyklus vyzerá, si ukážeme na nasledujúcom príklade:
<img src="swf/instruction_cycle.swf" width="300" height="350" hspace="120"></p></textformat>
Once PHP updates the document’s content, the HTML file looks as follows:
<textformat leading=\"7\"><p><br> Každá inštrukcia je vykonávaná ako sekvencia krokov. Tieto kroky zodpovedajúce 1 inštrugfdsgsdgkcii sa spoločne nazývajú inštrukčný cyklus.
Ako taký inštrukčný cyklus vyzerá, si ukážeme na nasledujúcom príklade:
<img src=\"swf/instruction_cycle.swf\" width=\"300\" height=\"350\" hspace=\"120\"></p></textformat>
You can see clearly, each time there was a " or ’ letter, PHP script added one \ in front of it. I guess its because how PHP interprets things inside “” or ‘’ and \ destroys its special meaning.
Please gimme some advice how to tell PHP that i dont want it to place those slashes there. I have one guess… putting that HTML into XML CDATA node, which preserves the parsing, but HOPE there is another way to do this.
Thank You for Your caring and help