Hi Everyone,
I am trying to upload an image on my server using Flash and PHP. The following code works fine on 1 server but doesn’t work on other 2 servers where i have to implement it. Please check it and see where am i going wrong.
**listener.onSelect = function(selectedFile:FileReference):Void {
// Flash is attempting to upload the image.
statusArea.text += "Wait…trying to upload " + selectedFile.name + "
$target = “./”;
$target = $target . $_FILES[‘Filedata’][‘name’];
move_uploaded_file($_FILES[‘Filedata’][‘tmp_name’], $target);
chmod("./".$_FILES[‘Filedata’][‘name’], 777);
The other 2 servers shows that it is uploading but doesn’t upload. Not sure if flash is executing PHP file on those.
I am really struggling to make it work on other servers. I just cldn’t understand the logic that why does it just work on one server and not others. Any kind of help will be highly appreciated.
Thank You.