Flash/php/xml/mysql | Chart development


You play a flash game that sends info {back & forth}; the points are sent back to the website portal where players can see their points via a flash or php chart.

example of chat needed (flash design provided):

You can see this chart in action within the game itself. (You have to play the trackers…once completed you are given a score.)

Play demo here: [COLOR=“DarkOrange”]http://mindhabits.com/play_demo.php[/COLOR]

The chart on the website works right now but the design needs to be tweaked (unless you know how) we are using the http://teethgrinder.co.uk/open-flash-chart/ solution.


125$ cnd. | You must provide an online (demo) example of the completed work (you can water mark it if you like)


100$ - If you can just modify the actual live chart