Flash Player 6 or 7 --> Help me, i'm confused

i have an elasticity script running on a button, with mouseover, when i export it to flashplayer 7, with actionscript 2 then it works, but if i export it to Flash Player 7 with AS2 it doesn’t… the problem is my whole site must be exported to FP7, so the script must also be in 7…

what do i have to change to get it to work with FP7, i’m confused…

onClipEvent (load) {
 this.elasticScale = function(tar, accel, convert) { 
 xScale = xScale * accel + (tar - this._xscale) * convert; 
 yScale = yScale * accel + (tar - this._yscale) * convert; 
 this._xscale += xScale; 
 this._yscale += yScale;
		}else if (!this.hitTest(_root._xmouse,_root._ymouse,true)){

Thx in advance!