I have created a flash interface, that I would like to use for a client, that uses AS3 and progressive download flv video files. However, when they try to view my file, all that appears is a red “x” as if the file doesn’t exist. I’ve tested it on a variety of computers so I know the file is accessible. They are running flash player version 9,0,16,0 which I know isn’t the newest version, but my understanding is that any version 9 or higher can play flv video files and use AS3. I’m publishing my file to Flash 9, as the only options it gives me when I export are Flash 8 (which won’t work with AS3) or Flash 9. What could be preventing the file from showing up?
I’ve asked them to upgrade the player but because it is a large corporation they have an administrative block preventing them. Even so, it seems like the version they are on should still work. They can access youtube, Yahoo Movies, and other flash sites.