Flash playlist from XML

Here is my xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<File src="Alice%20in%20Chains%20-%20Rotten%20Apple.swf" desc="Rotten Apple" artist="Alice in Chains" album="Jar of Flies" minutes="6" seconds="59"/>
<File src="Modest%20Mouse%20-%20The%20Waydown.swf" desc="The Waydown" artist="Modest Mouse" album="The Fruit That Ate Itself" minutes="2" seconds="30"/>

I need to read this file in flash and list the songs one under another to build a playlist. Not sure if I should do this in an mc, text area, listbox?
But either way, I don’t know how to list the songs, no matter how many. I might have asked and described it to complicated on other sites, so I’m shortening my question to this. How do you read the files in the playlist node into flash and list them?