Flash Question

Guys, I am working on the code for a contact form in flash. I don’t get any errors, but, I can’t get the code to do certain things. The code shows the “thank you for inquiry” within the “status” box but it will not show when an e-mail, name or comments" are not input. Can someone please tell me what I’m doing wrong? Here’s the code. Thanks

bSubmit.onRelease = function()
function email()
	var sMessage = "Name: " + tName.text + "
Email: " + tEmail.text + "
Phone: " + tPhone.text + "
Comments: " + tComments.text;
	lvSend = new LoadVars();
	lvReply = new LoadVars();
	lvSend.msg = sMessage;
	lvSend.address = "info@test.com"; 
	tName.text = "";
	tEmail.text = "";
	tPhone.text = "";
	tComments.text = "";
	status.text = "Sending Message...";
			status.text = "Thank your for your inquiry.";
	lvSend.sendAndLoad('mail.php', lvReply, 'POST');

function formValidationChecks(){
if ((!tEmail.text.length) || (tEmail.text.indexOf("@") == -1) || (tEmail.text.indexOf(".") == -1)) {
status.text = "Please enter a valid E-mail address";
return false;
} else if (!tName.text.length) {
status.text = "Please enter Your Name";
return false;
} else if (!tphone.text.length) {
status.text = "Please enter Your Name";
return false;
} else if (!tComments.text.length) {
status.text = "Please Enter Your Message";
return false;
return true;