I posted this thread earlier but it got a little confused and no one had responded so I deleted it and here is a fresh new cleaned up version so everything will be much clearer.
Here’s the scoop. If you test swf you’ll see a main nav, and bars randomly tweening back and forth. There are 6 bars, and they are all fixed sizes so the only thing that is tweening randomly is the x position. What I need is to put a short duration on the bars tweening, 5-10 seconds, and have it act as sort of a transition so when you click to go to from one section to another, the tweening bars move around for the short duration and then when they stop a gotoandplay or set visible true action is triggered to load the content. But here is the tricky part…i need to have the bars return to their initial positioning.
I’ve been stuck on this for two days now so your help is greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you have any questions.
After reviewing the fla then read the following…
What i’m looking into now, is taking the initiate random movement script from the random layer, and placing it within each of the onrelease functions in the navigation layer with some kind of if/else element, like if 10 seconds has passed return bars to initial position and show clip… or something like that… Or…couldn’t i put the //initiate the movement part in a function and then activate it onRelease for a few seconds using getTimer somehow and then call another function after getTimer is up that would stop the bars and return them to their initial x positions. i don’t really know though. That’s just an idea…