hi…Im using php to check for existance of username. It send back to flash ‘false’ if user already exist, and ‘true’ if user does not exist.
if ($num > 0)//loginName already exists
echo "auth=false";
else//loginName does not exist, so we can insert this user
echo "auth=true";
This php works and sends the correct value (true or false).
[AS]loadInfo = new LoadVars();
added= “Begin Login Process - Please Wait…”;
loadInfo.onLoad = function(success){
if (success)
errorRegion=this.auth;//this outputs correctly
if (this.auth == ‘false’)//but this wont check!
added= “”;
errorUser=“Username already exists.”;
else if (this.auth == ‘true’)//and this wont check!
added=“You have been added”;
added=“could not load in stuff!”;
user.sendAndLoad(“userRegistration.php”, loadInfo, “POST”);[/AS]
The ‘if’ statements wont run…its like flash cant recognize what it has already recieved! why?
Can some1 take the time to check whats wrong ! thanks