Flash receives variable from php, but cant compare it!

hi…Im using php to check for existance of username. It send back to flash ‘false’ if user already exist, and ‘true’ if user does not exist.


if ($num > 0)//loginName already exists
	echo "auth=false";
else//loginName does not exist, so we can insert this user
	echo "auth=true";

This php works and sends the correct value (true or false).

[AS]loadInfo = new LoadVars();
added= “Begin Login Process - Please Wait…”;
loadInfo.onLoad = function(success){
if (success)
errorRegion=this.auth;//this outputs correctly
if (this.auth == ‘false’)//but this wont check!
added= “”;
errorUser=“Username already exists.”;
else if (this.auth == ‘true’)//and this wont check!
added=“You have been added”;
added=“could not load in stuff!”;
user.sendAndLoad(“userRegistration.php”, loadInfo, “POST”);[/AS]

The ‘if’ statements wont run…its like flash cant recognize what it has already recieved! why?

Can some1 take the time to check whats wrong ! thanks