I recently installed coldfusion mx and just did all the tests to make sure it is working. I can’t seem to find any tutorials on kirupa or the web. Any one knows of any good tutorials for a beginner?
I don’t know the answer to your question as I don’t know coldfusion, but I just popped in to tell you to please not crosspost. You posted this question in 3 seperate sections, one being the “best of kirupa” section which is a section that people aren’t allowed to create threads in, it is an archive of threads that contain incredibly useful information, and threads go there by being moved by a mod or kirupa himself. But enough of my babbling, crossposting gets incredibly confusing when people answer different threads, if they didn’t see another thread where you solved the issue, or are working on it, they may post something in there that may be useless to you, but they wouldn’t know because you are working on it in another thread and they didn’t know that, etc, etc.
hey sorry man i didnt know about the whole cross posting thing. i wasnt sure where to post it. sorry again! happy kiruping@
Um learnigng coldfusion two! but I cant find any tutorials either.
complete flash remoting mx
by Joey lott
great book but you must have soem java experience to follow these tutes. it asks your to write classes to go with your flash files. not too hard, they explain it well. igot thrue a few good tutes but I am busy with other work so I really can’t get too busy with it…
What are some of the things you would like to learn?
Do you ahve any specific things youa re having trouble with?
*Originally posted by Digitalosophy *
**I recently installed coldfusion mx and just did all the tests to make sure it is working. I can’t seem to find any tutorials on kirupa or the web. Any one knows of any good tutorials for a beginner? **
well pretty much i want to pass values to and from flash, and database if possible with CF. i am doing all this now with php and mySQL, really just started, but i like it. what database can i connect with, or does coldfusion itself store the data? do you have any exaples of some of the things you can do with CF? thankx
I’ve never tried to make flash talk to CF. I’m a novice in flash. (I think tweens are cool)
As far as what I can build in CF… pretty much anything. I’m sure if I looked at how Flash talks to CF I could write the code to tell Flash what you want it to.
Any ideas how you could help me help you?
hmm, ok well pretty much flash talks to any serverside scripting thru variables, same way as html, just different code to load them.
i am really interested in something like an application that can intake flash variables, strore them in a db, send mail, and maybe even a shopping cart. now i know what i just said intails a lot of work, and again im a noob with CF . how about starting off with passing variables from flash to a CF page and printing them.
as far as the flash part goes, let’s say have 3 input boxes. we call refer to the CF page, through either a getURL statement or loadVariablesNum. but im lost with the colfusion code. i really do’t knwo the structure at all.
anyway thanks for your interest, maybe you can point me in the right direction.
"how about starting off with passing variables from flash to a CF page and printing them.
as far as the flash part goes, let’s say have 3 input boxes. we call refer to the CF page, through either a getURL statement or loadVariablesNum. but im lost with the colfusion code. i really do’t knwo the structure at all. "
Now let me be clear do you mean to a CF page so you can print it on paper? or print as in show it on the screen?
Give me more of the details. So we have 3 input boxes. Where is the data entered supposed to go?
Is the CF page going to bring up results based on what Flash Sends it?
i would like it to be printed on a external page, not printed on actual paper. lets say we have 3 textboxes in our flash file
the user fills out the textboxes in flash
when the user hits submit the variables go to a coldfusion page that says your
your name is:
your email is:
your website is:
and display what the user filled out in the flash fle
How does flash handle forms?
Is it similar to <form> tags. Can you create a action= for your flash form to submit to? Will it pass the variables your user entered as form.variables? I guess it would be more helpful if I was better with Flash…
basically you jsut need to get your form variables into a url variable that you submit to a CF page.
*Originally posted by EthanM *
**How does flash handle forms?
Is it similar to <form> tags. Can you create a action= for your flash form to submit to? Will it pass the variables your user entered as form.variables? I guess it would be more helpful if I was better with Flash… **
submit.onRelease = function(){
getURL(“page.cmf”, “_blank”, “post”);
then it just sends the variables to that page.
*Originally posted by EthanM *
**basically you jsut need to get your form variables into a url variable that you submit to a CF page. **
yea , like in asp you would say
name = Request.Form(“name”)
that gets the variable from the flash page. how would i do that in CF?
Do you have a flash form that submits to a page. If you send me the FLA I can whip up a CFM page and find out what caller I need to use to get the variables.
sounds good to me. here ya go.
variables are:
name of the page should be
Okay here’s what I got for your name email url thing.
my3brs, i cant seem to get it to work. in my flash file i should be linking the url to localhost:80 correct?
i ahve iis set to run localohost on my CF directory on port 80
imma go eat and play around with this some more…
thanks btw
I have port 8500