I’m looking for somebody who wants to get some experience and exposure by developing a flash RSS reader for COLOURlovers.com’s Palette Feeds.
There has been a lot of interest from my members who want to link their feed on their blogs or myspace pages.
So basically you take one of the CL feeds like: http://colourlovers.com/rss/lover/COLOURlover/palettes/new or
And create a 400 pixel wide, maybe 160 pixel high flash player that can be plugged in with a CL feed URL and it displays the palettes.
Should be able to do everything via a URL, so if this .swf is going up on colourlovers. Somebody can include it on their site with www.colourlovers.com/rss/flashfeed.swf?feedURL=http://feeds.feedburner.com/ColourloversCoup0Palettes/New
Or something like that. I’ll give you link credit on the CL About Page. Cheers.