Why does everything in Flash have to be such a pain in the ***? You think you’re going to do something simple in 5 seconds of typing, but half of the times it turns out you’re wasting hours searching for a way around some stupid restriction of flash.
This time I made a movie that uses some variables that are specified in the .html (FlashVars). Sending these variables from html to the flash movie is no problem.
But I tried to see if my movie still works when it’s loaded into a holder movieclip. So I use the following code to load the movie and send the same variables to it:
Should be easy enough, but it doesn’t work.
Error opening URL “file:///D|/%5FOPDRACHTEN/%5FIMAGEVIEWER/ImageViewer/imageviewer.swf? width=700&height=350&imageList=afbeeldingen.txt&settings=ivsettings1.xml”
So I tried this:
mc_loader.loadMovie("imageviewer.swf", "GET");
Which returns this:
Error opening URL “file:///D|/%5FOPDRACHTEN/%5FIMAGEVIEWER/ImageViewer/imageviewer.swf? width=700&height=350&imageList=afbeeldingen**%2Etxt&settings=ivsettings1%2E**xml”
(notice the %2E where a period should be)
When I leave out the variables like this, it loads the movie, but without the variables of course.
Anybody have an idea on how to find a way that works?