Flash shoutbox/tagboard without php, MySQL or so on

Hi there everybody,

I was wondering if somebody could help me with the following.
Since a couple of weeks i’ve got a new internet provider (@home) With the new provider i have 25 mb of webspace. Now i would like to put my site on it however I want to put a shoutbox/tagboard on my homepage so that my friends can leave messages and so on. I had a complete tutorial on how to do it with Php and MySQL. But when I uploaded my stuff to the server it didn’t work. After trying several different kinds of shoutboxes i found out that my provider does not support ASP/CGI/PHP/Perl/Python or MySQL :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: . As long as i use actionscript inside a .fla everything works though.
Is it possible to make a shoutbox/tagboard in flash without having to use php??
If so can somebody help me because i’ve been searching through the forum and google and all I can find are Flash shoutboxes that you have to pay for. So i quess it can be done useing actionscript in flash where the comments are loaded to a dynamically loaded .txt file.
But how? :h:

I changed the topic as it isn’t up to date anymore. My question can be found on the top of page 2. Thanks guys.

Hey there, it’s me again.

It’s been a while…I got myself some webspace at another provider that supports php and so on. Now here is my question. How can i make a Shoutbox/Tagboard in Flash without having to use MySQL? The reason I ask this is because I haven’t got a clue how MySQL works :puzzle:
I have seen tutorials on how to make them without Flash using only php and txt files and i’ve been practicing with them but I would like to put it all in flash with a custom scrollbar and so on. Any ideas/tips???



I was just searching the site and I just saw that same tutorial :smiley:
I think it looks great however…is it possible to put custom smilies in it? You know just like the smilies here at kirupa. If so I’ll certainly try that tutorial.
Oh and is it possible to censor it? I’d rather not have any bad words on in my shoutbox.
