Flash site designers needed!


Sorry if this is the wrong topic to put this post on, but I couldnt seem to find a more relevant one. I am looking for an active flash web designer with a strong design sense and a decent knowledge of photoshop. I have a company site ( Beta: www.curv.net/curvv3finalhome.gif ) I would need work done on, but in return will be able to get the designer many high paying flash clients. Please contact me with portfolios if any of you are interested. Sorry again if this is in the wrong topic, do not flame ;).

BTW if you are interested in seeing the quality of my work, view www.dhornby.com.

Thank you for your time.


AIM: xidarynix
MSN: curvdaryn@hotmail.com
YAHOO: xxxdarynxxx
MAIL: daryn@curv.net