Flash/sql communicator source

Hello, I just finished working yesterday night, and after four nights with no sleep, there was no way I could find any. So just for fun and as an exercise, I slapped a little code that enables communication between flash and mySQL. it is a really simple thing, but it might come in handy and save some time for someone else. Also, if I don’t share it it will go to waste (I don’t need it…).
You will need a local server to try this. create a database, open yelo/example_main.as, and change line 13 to whatever query you would like.
Also, you must edit the io.php file in order for it to select the right database, with username, pass etc…The file is really commented so I doubt you’ll get lost there.
Then export the flash file.
It will throw an error (normal, flash cannot access server resources from where it is).
Go to your browser, point to wherever you extracted the files, and try “/example.swf”.
Press “=”, a little console will go down.
try “sql.0.query.SELECT * FROM table_name” [enter]
You will get query results. This is a little handy console that enables you to query anything from your mySQL server. I think it is quite practical…You can check your tables etc from your browser, on the server you are uploading to. Anyway, I had fun doing it.
On a side note, there’s also somewhat advanced event handling, motion tweening, and some other stuff that might be interesting for newbies.
And if any guru like to check it out and give me advice, critics or (maybe?) praises, that would be very, very nice.
i have no idea what it is worth, I just began coding and I am pretty sure any pro would laugh at it, but still, it is a night’s work worth…If anyone finds any use for it, cool.
If you want more info, I tried to comment the files as heavily as I could, but if you need any more insight, I’ll be happy to help.

PS: errr, I know my English is not so good, I just hope I am clear enough.