What up everyone
Heres my ???
I just finished up my site in flash, published my page in HTML - I preview it in a browser - looks great but the browser window is not a set size _ How do I make my window a set size?
Do I do this in flash or dreamweaver
Also can I make a link to download my resume.PDF
or do I do this in flash
Thanks for your time
well for your flash movie, I would just publish it as a .swf and then take it into dreamweaver, creat a page that centers the movie how you like it, and plop it in there so it doesnt get stretched or what not. Not to mention you have a lot more control over the layout if you do it manually.
Sorry if I sound confusing
I want the browser to lock at 800x400
Right now the page is scalable( if you pull on the lower right corner the window grows and theres all that extra space _ I want to get rid of the extra space
Thanks for your time and help