[COLOR=Green]Where its from: [/COLOR]Here’s a simple flash transition that mimics a “falling blocks” effect. I’ve used this effect in my 2007 year end [offline] portfolio. I saw this clever effect on one of the adobe developers sites, unfortunately I can’t seem to find - If you do know the site please post a link - thanks in advance.
[COLOR=Green]About the code: [/COLOR]Anyway the code is original and I’ve been trying to improve it and hopefully add more transitions over time. I’ve taken a que form from TweenLite to make coding the transitions simple as possible.
[COLOR=Green]How it works: [/COLOR]The construct takes a DisplayObject as a parameter, it then creates a grid and copies the BitmapData to smaller individual Bitmap objects and stores these in an Array. The Array is randomized and a Tween is applied to each object in the Array.
The class has gone through significant changes with more control over the effect also all files are now hosted on .
**[COLOR=SeaGreen]CHANGES: [/COLOR]**The class now accepts a display object as a parameter and does the conversion automatically.
Class logic is a-lot cleaner and faster.
Reverted to using onComplete:Function and onCompleteParams:Array since the current class structure is not conducive to using events, also all logic including creation -> animation _> destruction are kept within the class.
[COLOR=SeaGreen]NOTES[/COLOR]: TweenLite and [URL=“”]TweenFilterLite are needed for this effect