Flash tutorial wanted

I have just bought Flash, and hoped to be able to use it to make simple splash pages for web sites…moving text with effects, a picture or two, etc. Nothing too fancy. I’m a very adept applications user, but WOW has Flash thrown me for a loop. It sure isn’t as user-friendly as wysiwyg web design programs, simple html, etc. that I’m accustomed to.

Is there a web site that would have tutorials leading toward that? I bought a CD that was supposed to be a tutorial CD, but after doing it, all I can do is make shapes change from one to another and have them move from one spot to another. I know that with Paint Shop Pro and Photoshop, there are tutorial sites all over the net that specifically end in a finished product for each lesson. I’m hoping there will be something similar for Flash.

Your referrals will be greatly apprecitated! :slight_smile:
