Flash Upload Problem

I have made a change to one of my flash files an dre-uploaded it to the web, however when i look at it via the web it still shows the old one. I can get round this by renaming the file but it is a pain.

Is there an option hidden somewhere that is doing this. How to i compile so that when i go to the web it shows the new one?

Thanks in advance,



First thing to try is to clear out your cache from the temporary internet files… and check out the hosting company if they have some server cache time… Sometimes servers carry out the content of the used item into the server cache for some time to unload the traffic… Usually its something like 10-30 minutes, but you gotta check your own cache first and see how it goes… Or, maybe totally different thing it can be…

OK, clearing out my cache works but how would the user know to do that.
Can i script the asp page to look for the file from the server and not the cache?


lostinbeta just answered the very same question about an hour or so ago… Check this thread… Sometimes searching the forum will get you to your destination faster… :wink: