Flash variables to javascript or html?

:ex: I am makeing a flash css generator to cusomize myspace profiles, I am up to the point where the full css code is generated, and then assigned to a variable. I am trying to make a preview button that will open a new browser window with a sample myspace profile but using the css defined in the flash variable. I can’t seen to figure this out, I have found that the only way might be to use fscommands and a javascript gateway, but I am not well versed in javascript. Someone please help me out with this as soon as possible, Im at a standstill, I don’t want to release my flash program until I have all its features operational, I have spent the last 2 weeks pulling allnighters from concept & design, to deciding features, and everyone who has beta tested for me says it can’t compare to the other editors without a preview option. and I agree.

I have searched everywhere online for some help with this, and I can’t seem to get anywhere with it. Thanks,
Rickey Ward