If you’re talking about the kind of person who uses their mate’s computer for the first time to check out the “bling bling”, “mo fo”, “slap ma momma up” Eminem (or insert similar, rubbish rap band here that managed to change the meaning of R&B from “Rhythm n Blues” to “Rubbish n Bullst") then they’re probably going to be commenting on how “phat” (yes, I went there with the "pH**”) the Flash is and they’ll be biggin’ it up with their homies (and swapping ideas of how they can include as many apostrophes in their sentences and replace as many full words with single letters).
Basically, the less content there is, the more reason there is to use Flash. Like the AC/DC website (yes, I also went there with the subliminal “fix your music tastes”) plug.
css+html. If you feel your audience needs some more interactivity then add some flash. I wouldnt prefer any of my design portals being flash. Even if they took just a few seconds to load and wouldnt like to wait. I just want it plain and clearly html there. Newwebpick chooses flash then html for their site which I didnt really like. Stick to html to present artwork.
unless your good enough to do a site like www.rr.com/flash in flash you should go for a html site for informitive sites/and or sites for all users (dial up especially)… you could also combine flash and html like many sites do, with little parts in flash and little in html… so the main sections are in html but the little pictures and everything is can be in flash… well… thats about it for me i guess
i disagree… there was this one fascinating site that was in flash and it had a movie series called “it” on it… it was about like this ghost and a motercycle dude… hehe… but in the site when you resized the thing, al teh little sections in the site bounced around and transitioned into the site you wanted it… it was sweet…
i’m not saying it’s not possible, i’ve just never seen it. and in flash, it would be something you would have to go out of your way to do; meanwhile in html, it’s just up to the browser.
I like sites that use a mixture…HTML for text stuff and flash, well, for flash stuff I can only speak for myself, but I hate having to read a lot of text in tiny flash scrollbox.
Unflux is the first person that comes to my mind (although I’m sure other’s have similar style). I really like how he seamlessly combines his flash and html. Example: http://www.jimmessenger.com/
Full flash sites have a purpose, but it’s generally to impress, rather than to inform.
The other problem is the basics you get in HTML (recognisable buttons/‘normal’ coloured, underlined hyperlinks) are often put in second place with a full-flash site. This makes navigation a pain, unless the author takes this into consideration.
There’s nothing more annoying than not being able to find what you’re supposed to be clicking on, no matter how good the site looks. This is the internet, not some cheesy sci-fi movie.
Then of course, in some situations, a full-flash, sci-fi movie looking, confusing button brandishing, camo-link sporting website may be exactly what is needed.
it’s all about the presentation.
If done properly, the difference between a well done full-flash site and a hybrid (flash+php, flash+html) is unnoticable. Too many people forget that.
My favourite is Flash menus/banner and the rest in php/html.