Flash Website Question

Iam going to try and make a website with flash mx for my Star Wars Galaxies Guild a PC game. Iam a beginner and know very little. I have made sites b4 but never with any Flash. My question is: Is there any good tutroials on what I want to do with websites and is there any Important/Necassary things that must be done with the Flash to make and publish a web site?

Hope I made sense and Thank You for any answers and/or suggestions.


Oh yeah I forgot to mention that I will be using Dreamweaver MX.


It depends on how advanced your wanting your site to be. Flash can create very simple projects or extremely advanced projects. I suggest that you look around this site for tutorials, there are many tutorials that can give you some examples of possible things to add or use in conjunction with your site.

Hope this helps.


THE question. I believe Kirupa is working on a tute, so you just have to be patient.

pom :asian: