I’m currently working on an application where I am reading in pngs files, that are specified in an XML file. I have it reading in and storing all of the image names/paths appropriately, and then each one being put into a dynamically created movieClip…and then once the image has been loaded into the MC, it scales from 0 to a larger size… that works fine if I only have one image… but I want to be able to have more than one, and I want them all to load below each other, so that they are lined up in a vertical row. My problem right now is that the first picture loads, and then is quickly replaced by the 4th picture… I can’t figure out how to get them to line up in a vertical row, and even stranger, I can’t figure out why it skips pictures 2 & 3. To see what exactly what is happening, click here:
Just to summarize what I want, I want it so that picture 1 is in the top left, and then picture 2 is below it, picture 3 is below it, etc.
I have attached the FLA, images and XML file so that you can see my code.
Anyone have any ideas or guidance that they could provide me with? I would love any input at all. It seems to me like it is progressing through the code without having completed the functions. If you need any further information, please just let me know.