Hey, I’m a big fan of this site and have used a lot of the tutorials to help me learn flash and Actionscript. I run a small site (http://www.bigevilrobot.com) that I thought it could benefit from some flash image galleries. I used the Gallery w/ XML tutorial on this site and and modified the graphics a little. I’d like to be able to load thumbnails on the right hand side of the images and make it so it only loads as many as is needed. The thumbnails are 60x45 and should make rows of 3 that start at the top and fill down as they’re added. I have seriously been working on this for about 5-6 hours today and my brain is fried. Please help if you can; I’ll be your best friend.
PS the xml tags are:
image (for picture)
caption (for text)
t_nail (for thumb)
Thanks guys.