[Flash8]Action Script 2.0 Help needed!

Hi. Currently, i’m facing some action scripts problem. I need to create a flash which get the external/dynamic data from .txt, after getting data value and gotoAndPlay another scene. Below script seemed not workable… Coz can’t get the right variable and keep playing the wrong scene. Any flash expert willing to help me? :slight_smile:

My text file content is :
point= 8000

Code is :
var myData= new LoadVars();
totalpoint.text = this.point;
myData.onLoad = function(totalpoint:Number) {

if((totalpoint > 8000) && (totalpoint < 10000)) {
gotoAndPlay(“Scene 5”, 1);
} else if ((totalpoint > 7999) && (totalpoint < 6000)) {
gotoAndPlay(“Scene 4”, 1);
} else if ((totalpoint > 5999) && (totalpoint < 3000)) {
gotoAndPlay(“Scene 3”, 1);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(“Scene 2”, 1);


Thank you very much.:slight_smile:
Hope get replies soon.