[Flash8] Dynamic Text Fields / XML / spacing

So I have a project where there are 5 dynamic text fields, and I thought it would be quite simple. Create a dynamic text field, and then load in the .xml content, and I had it complete. However, it turns out that spacing is quite important, so my method will not work, and I’m kind of stumped how to proceed. Here is a visual representation of how it is layed out:

So the things highlighted in red represent the .xml nodes, and as the width (character count) of TEAM1 and TEAM2 change, the spacing needs to remain consistant, and the static elements (the “vs.” and “|” need to move accordingly, and the TEAMLOCATIONS need to stay lined up as well…

Does anyone have a good idea how to handle this, or a good tutorial they could point out? I’m trying to build my own array structure, and calculate the width of “TEAM1”, but it’s slow going… Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

