[Flash8] Help with random loadMovie header

Hi all,

I’ve bitten off a bit more than I can chew with the following and need some help!

I have a sequence of 8 movies which I need to load initially randomly into an instance “mcHolder” then have them loop in sequence - displaying for 15sec each. [COLOR=“DimGray”](using setInterval and some sort of x = x+1 I guess)[/COLOR]

I also need to place a “forward” and “back” button in the parent movie which finds the name/number of the current movie in “mcHolder” and loads the next or previous movie in the sequence.

I would like to create variations of this “random” movie which load a specific rather than random movie and do not loop but still retain forward/back navigation.

The movies will be named “movie01” “movie02” etc. for convenience.

I realise this is a big ask but any help would be much appreciated.
