[Flash8] Localconnect problem

I hope some one out there can help me as time is running out for me!

I have trawled the net looking for help with** localconnection**. I know what it is for and what it can do, but I don’t know enough about Actionscript to decypher the code in the examples I’ve seen to apply/modify it for my own needs. (I’m fairly new to Flash.)

My situation is this; I have a frameset ([COLOR=Red]index.htm[/COLOR]) containing two frames ([COLOR=Red]mainFrame.htm, rightFrame[COLOR=Black].) [COLOR=Red]**mainFrame.htm **[COLOR=Black]contains [COLOR=Blue]info.swf [/COLOR][COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Black]and [COLOR=Red]**rightFrame.htm **[COLOR=Black]contains [COLOR=Blue]menu.swf[/COLOR]. Within [COLOR=Blue]menu.swf[/COLOR] there are four buttons, I’ll just take one for this question, the music button, which has an instance name of [COLOR=SeaGreen]music_btn[/COLOR]. What I want is, that when the music button is clicked that the playhead in [COLOR=Blue]info.swf[/COLOR] will gotoAndStop on a given frame number (in this case 2, there are four frames in [COLOR=Blue]info.swf[/COLOR], each containing a movie clip which contains the information for that page.)

My apologies if I seem to have over explained my situation, but the deadline for completion of this site is fast approaching, and I foolishly left the linking of the buttons until last and I haven’t got the time to buy/read/comprehend an Actionscript manual or come up with a a plan B. So if anyone out there can give me exactly the code I need (and where to put it) I will be eternally indebted.

Thanking you in advance,