[Flash8]Problems trying to get multiple objects to ease and then repeat

Hi, I have been trying to get these two codes to work, I’ve labeled them code 1 and code 2, I am trying to combine the two

-In code 1 I can’t get it to just start without having to click
-In code 2 I can’t get the object to move in a diagonal point like I can in code 1
-Overview, I want to combine these two codes so that multiple objects can ease automatically with a (x,y) pause then go to another (x,y) then repeat itself

Please help I’ve practically tore out all my hair already!!!

here’s code1

/*EASING **********************************************************************/

function ease (object, targetX, targetY, speed) {

if(!easingArray) {
    easingArray = [[],[]];

var found = false;
for(i=0; i<=easingArray[0].length; i++) {
    if(easingArray[0]* == object) {
        found = true;
        if(easingArray[1]* != object._easing) {
            easingArray[1]* = object._easing;
        if( (Math.ceil(object._x) < ( Math.ceil(targetX - 1) ) ) || (Math.ceil(object._x) > ( Math.ceil(targetX + 1) ) ) ){
            object._x += (targetX - object._x)/speed;
        } else {
            object._x = targetX;
        if( (Math.ceil(object._y) < ( Math.ceil(targetY - 1) ) ) || (Math.ceil(object._y) > ( Math.ceil(targetY + 1) ) ) ){
            object._y += (targetY - object._y)/speed;
        } else {
            object._y = targetY;
        if( (object._x == targetX) && (object._y == targetY) ) {

if (found == false) {
    var long = easingArray[0].length
    easingArray[0][long] = object;
    easingArray[1][long]= object._easing;


Movieclip.prototype.easing = function (targetX, targetY, speed) {
this._easing = setInterval(ease, 40, this, targetX, targetY, speed);


this.btnEase.onRelease = function () {
//I figured this is where I need to tell it to not click and just play
MC1.easing (10, 250, 5);
MC2.easing (250, 250, 5);
this.btnReset.onRelease = function () {
//I figured this is where I need to tell it to not click and just play
MC1.easing (17, 19, 1.5);
MC2.easing (202, 25.9, 1);

here’s code2

MovieClip.prototype.easeX = function(to:Number, speed:Number, endF:Function, endO:Object, endP:Array) {
if (what._x != to) {
var _this:MovieClip = this;
var aux:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip(“aux_easeX”, 1337);
var previousPosition:Number = this._x;
if (isNaN(speed) || Number(speed) !== speed || speed<=1) {
speed = 1.2;
aux.onEnterFrame = function() {
_this._x = to-(to-_this._x)/speed;
if (_this._x == previousPosition) {
_this._x = to;
if (endF) {
endF.apply(endO, endP);
previousPosition = _this._x;
} else {
if (endF) {
endF.apply(endO, endP);
var startX:Number = myMovieClip._x;
var endX:Number = startX+400;
chain = function () {
myMovieClip.easeX(endX, 1.2, myMovieClip.easeX, myMovieClip, [startX, 1.4, chain, null, []]);

thanks! any help will help!