Ok, I have been searching for a month now, and I’ve been unable to locate and have used other forums and have been unable to recieve assistance doing what I want, and the funny part is, what I am trying to do seems like it would be sooo simple.
I’m trying to use an xml file to load a series of images into a movie clip. here is how the stage is setup, i’ll even include a picture to help aid any confusion.
the one in bold is where the images need to be loaded, the setup looks something like this:
The red outlined white box is where the pictures need to end up, it is a movie clip inside a scroll pane so that the images can scroll. There is no captions, no clicking, no anything, just images that need to sit one above the other.
if it helps the scroll pane is named apparelcontentbox and the movie clip within the pane is naed apparelcontent.
Thanks a lot and I am not asking anyone to do it for me, but like I said i’ve been trying to tackle this seemingly simple task for a month now, at the moment I have all the images imported into the movie, which you can guess is causing long loading times. Thanks again.