Flash8: Switching xml documents trouble

Hello, I’m currently making myself a new portfolio, mainly because I want to start learning some more advanced actionscript skills. I’m trying to setup my site so it runs completely off xml data.

Firstly I have an xml menu loading into “menu.swf” and also a xml document with loading into a “project.swf”… Now instead of making a different swf for each project I thought it would be better to have one swf. This would mean loading in a different xml document into the projects window.

Where I’m stuck is i’m unable to load a new xml into projects.swf.

This is a button I’m generating from xml in menu.swf

currItem.onRelease = function() {
            proDescription.text = this.description;

and this is the code I’m using to load the xml in project.swf

function loadXML(loaded) {
    if (loaded) {
        xmlNode = this.firstChild;
        image = [];
        total = xmlNode.childNodes.length;
        for (i=0; i<total; i++) {
            image* = xmlNode.childNodes*.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
    } else {
        content = "file not loaded!";
xmlProject = new XML();
xmlProject.ignoreWhite = true;
xmlProject.onLoad = loadXML;

Currently I’m trying this with 2 xml docs in the same folder but eventually each project will have its own folder.

Also project.swf is being loaded into projectHolder through my main page, does this make a difference?

