[Flash8] XML Tree Component Parent Node Listener

Hello everyone,
We have created the following XML tree structure with 1 branch node and 3 leaf nodes.

**<?xml version=“1.0”?> **
<node label=“Regions”>
<node label=“Region 1” src=“0” playcmrcl=“1”/>
<node label=“Region 2” src=“1” playcmrcl=“1”/>
<node label=“Region 3” src=“2” playcmrcl=“1”/>
**</node> **

When the user selects a leaf node, a video will appear that is appropriate for that region. In addition to the user clicking on the branch node and having it expand to show the leaf nodes, we also want to give the user the option where they click on the branch node name (shown next to the folder icon), another function will load (in this case play an introduction video).
We tried adding an event listener with the itemOpen and nodeOpen events. Some of the code as follows:

treeListener.labelField="@label" itemOpen=“itemOpenEvt(event);” {

treeListener.change = function(evt:Object) {

tree.addEventListener(“itemOpen”, branchListener);
tree.addEventListener(“change”, treeListener);

Our treeListener “change” listener works as designed. Is there a recommended way to listen for the branch node being clicked and fire off an action in addition to it expanding to show the child nodes??

Thanks again for your time.