does flash mx work only with windows platforms? i cannot access flash mx with knoppix( a version of linux). i have started to like linux but my other love flash does not seem to work on it!
could you tell me if other distributions of linux(redhat ,suse,etc) support FLASH?
From what I know, Linux supports the Flash Player, but not the authoring tools. As far as I’m aware there’s no way to get round that, you either have to have Windows or a Mac to create the movies. You should be able to watch them on Linux, but that’s not much help I’m afraid.
Flash is on Windows and Mac (as mentioned), this including Mac OSX. Since Mac OSX runs on a BSD core, which is for the most part Linux, it wouldnt seem too unfeasible for a port to be brought over to other general Linux distros, however, there is no official Linux version of Flash, MX or any other. I also dont think Macromedia has any intent on doing so in the future - something which would be further enforced if MM was bought out by M$.
Chances are though (and Im not 100% sure) that you can run Flash MX through Wine.
I also understand there is a Flash authoring tool being made for Linux out there somewhere, though, from what I remember, if my memory is even right, its based on Flash 5 and is more like a swish then a full featured Flash program.