and think its really awesome menu!!!
i stucked get to do menu like this ,i’m using flashmx 2004
i get confused in action script code posted there, and didnt get further to continue building
i really apreciated if somebody can explain to me how to do it
actually i know how to do , all the parts in this tutorial but , my problem is scripting , i copy and paste the code, like he write it but it wont work , after few hours, sitting and trying to separate script and combing together , nothing, nothing…and i really lame in AS part , so i would really , really grateful if someone explain it , the AS …thanks again :rambo:
[COLOR=Blue]Comment : ::::::::: Our constants ::::::
Set Variable: “TotalRubs” = 7
We’ll need the height of the rub so we get it
Set Variable: “RubHeight” = GetProperty (“Rub”,_height)
Then we input now the label we want for each rub (assuming we’ve got 7)
Note that all values of them are character string with ""
Comment : -----------------------------------------------
Set Variable: “LabelRub1” = "I"
Comment : -----------------------------------------------
Set Variable: “LabelRub2” = "am"
Comment : -----------------------------------------------
Set Variable: “LabelRub3” = "learning"
Comment : -----------------------------------------------
Set Variable: “LabelRub4” = "to"
Comment : -----------------------------------------------
Set Variable: “LabelRub5” = "create"
Comment : -----------------------------------------------
Set Variable: “LabelRub6” = "awesome"
Comment : -----------------------------------------------
Set Variable: “LabelRub7” = “menu”
Comment : ::::::::: Dupplicating part ::::::
let’s always initialize our counter before “Loop” action :
Set Variable: “n” = 0
Do actions in loop as many time as our “TotalRubs” var
Loop While (nDO NOT FORGET to increase our counter !
Set Variable: “n” = n+1
Our var (“PosY”) must be “dynamic” because there will be a different one for each must fill three parameters (target, new name, depth).
Duplicate Movie Clip (“Rub”, n, n*10)
We’ll see later more about this “if condition"
If (n=1)
We define here the future position of our dupplicated movies
Set Variable: “YPosition” = 30
Set Variable: “YPosition” = GetProperty (n-1, _y) + RubHeight
End If
At last, we set our “YPosition” var to our dupplicated movie
Set Property (n, Y Position) = YPosition
We set the corresponding label for each rub dupplicated
Set Variable: n&”:Label" = eval (“LabelRub”&n)
End Loop
We don’t need the original Rub MC, so we set to him an invisibility.
Set Property (“Rub”, Visibility) = 0[/COLOR]