I have a flash video player that gets it’s video link from a page built in asp. When a product in the page is clicked it needs to change the video.
The flashside is working as i can write to it from a form in html. I’m not sure where to place my code in the asp though. Here is what I have:
<div id="programsContainer"><span style="padding-left:15px;" ><% Response.Write(product) %></span><br /><span class="info"><%Response.Write("<a href=""javascript:ajaxpage('getItemDesc.asp?sku="&sku&"', 'headerDiv');"">")%>Click here for more information </a> <% Response.Write(available) %></span></div>
i need to include this somewhere in there:
I tried to bundle it in the the current javascript function but to no avail. I’m at a loss once I get into the asp aspect. All help is greatly appreciated.