Flickr Image Gallery


We’re making a flickr image gallery, so we can give flickr user the possibility to integrate there flickr pictures in their own website/blog. It’s going to be open-source so if you’re interested, wait a week and the code will be available for you. It’s build on the sweet flickr REST api.

Our flash image viewer is going to be very customizable, you can change the colors of the swf, size all trough an xml. So it’s easy to integrate in your own html/flash site.

But we have one big problem, what bothering me because it damages the quality of the image. Here we go :

Flickr provides us 3 sizes of pictures : large (1024 on longest size), normal (500 on longest size) , small (240 on longest size). This means when our flash stage is 700*700 I need to import the large image size to resize it so it fits the Stage.

Now the resizing works fine, I keep the proportions of the picture as good as possible, but still the image looses quality, when I resize it in flash itself. My question: is there a way to resize images in Flash 8 without loosing quality ?

I read some things about the bitmapData API but I’m not sure is this can help me fix this problem. Or maybe it’s going to make the player to heavy (CPU)?

If someone has an idea, please reply.

ps: I’ll post the .fla here as soon as the viewer is ready

Thanks in advance,
