We’re looking for a graphics designer to fill the spot of our previous graphics designer. We lost contact with him about a month ago, and have decided it’s time to find a new designer.
The link to our site is: http://www.flip5media.com
I’ll come out and say that we our students. We are doing this on our spare time in hopes of getting some extra money in our pockets. Do not apply for this job if you are looking to pay bills. However, if you are a student like us looking to get some extra money and some experience, then you might want to consider applying.
You can find more about the site and what we’re about by visiting our site (http://www.flip5media.com). If you are interested in applying, visit the website, click on the ‘Contact’ link, and then click the link that brings up the staff application form.
If we are interested in you, we will be in contact with you. If we go looking for more staff members in the future, we will refer to the apps first too. So even if you aren’t interested in the graphics position, think about applying for the other positions as well.
We’re also looking for people that have connections with potential clients. We would be more than obliged to give “commission”, if you will, for sending clients our way. Contact me if you are interested in this as well. (Use the form directly on the ‘Contact’ page)
Any questions can be sent to chris[at]flip5media[dot]com
Thank you