I have an FLV file which plays back using the playback component.
I have added cue points into the FLV file.
I would like to create buttons that will go to the specified cue points. So If someone clicks on a button, it takes them to that part of the video. (kind of like a dvd scene selection menu).
Is this even possible? How would I go about doing it?
However, I have another issue. It only appears to work with the Media Playback component. I’m using the FLV Playback Component (Flash 8) with a custom skin, and I can’t get it to work.
Is there another way I can accomplish this? Worst case, I guess I’ll have to use the old media player component.
It was definitely a cue point. However, I went back into Flash Video Encoder, and started playing around. I created one cue point with the type “Navigation”. and then used that video in my project. When I clicked the button. It went to that cue point.