Hello everyone,
I’m following a tutorial to create a video player in flash. I had a few questions that the tutorial does not cover.
What would I need to do to show show in text how long the movie is and show how much has already played? Sometime like 4:40 played, 5:00 total.
Also, how do I keep the video from playing as soon as the swf loads and instead make them press the play button?
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
rewindButton.onRelease = function() {
playButton.onRelease = function() {
var videoInterval = setInterval(videoStatus,100);
var amountLoaded:Number;
var duration:Number;
ns["onMetaData"] = function(obj) {
duration = obj.duration;
function videoStatus() {
amountLoaded = ns.bytesLoaded / ns.bytesTotal;
loader.loadbar._width = amountLoaded * 219.9;
loader.scrub._x = ns.time / duration * 219.9;