Hi guys.
I’m trying to make a fade in for my FLV video but I am not sure how I can go about doing that in actionscript 3. I was looking over a sample file that has this fade in effect for the video but it was created in actionscript 2. If I put this code in Actionscript 3 and preview the result, I get a bunch of errors. Does anyone here know how I can convert this code from AS2 to AS3. Thank you guys! The flv video I have is titled “fire4.flv”. Is there a different scriptcode/approach I can work with in AS3? Here is the code that I have which works in AS2 but not AS3 and an attached fla workfile:
import mx.transitions.*;
var netConnection:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var netStream:NetStream = new NetStream(netConnection);
function fadeOut() {
new Tween(cpVideo, “_alpha”, Strong.easeOut, 100, 0, .5, true);