FLV Video Scrubber

Hi all,

First let me thank all those that will reply and answer to this post.

I am playing flv files on a site. The way I am bring them is via the import video from the library (not using flv component). I am loading the videos via using netStream. So far so good. Everything works fine.

Now, here is what I want to do.
I want to be able to scrub through the video by clicking and dragging left or right on the video itself. I plan to make the mouse cursor turn into a symbol that has a left and right arrow when you roll over the video hence letting you know that you can click and drag left or right to forward or rewind through the video. IS this possible? If so, how can I accomplish this? A point in the right direction would be very apprciated. Even more appreciate is the script to how this can be done. Again, if it’s possible.

Thank you All!