Flvplayback component issue; removed skins and flvs still trying to load

Hi guys,

I have a swf file scripted with AS3 with a flvplayback component that plays a movie at the start. Everything was working fine until I uploaded the file on the server with a preloader.

It’s trying to load 6 flvs that I don’t have on the stage anymore and loads the flvplayback component skin 6 times too. I worked on the file a bunch so I maybe removed some old flvplayback component a couple of times. But it seems that they are somehow still written on the swf somewhere.

I know that when you put a new flvplayback component on the stage “getting metadata” is written. Maybe my preloader is able to read this metadata placed on the file even if I don’t use it anymore on the stage.

Any ideas where I could check that and edit it ?

update***In fact I putted the video manually, by importing it via the menu (file/import/video/external). So there’s no code for it. But I maybe removed the player a couple of times and put it back after, I am not sure. When I test the movie there’s no problem. But when I put it online, I was checking the activity in my browser to see if the preloader was working well, and noticed that it was loading 6 times the same flvplayback skin and was trying to load 6 videos that don’t exist anymore. But on my stage and in my library, there’s only 1 flvplayback.

Any ideas ???
