FlvPlayback component + mp4 720p = video stuttering


I came here asking for some help because I’m literally goin nuts here -.-

Basicly, in short terms, I’ve shot a video, encoded to h264 and then, only in flash, it stutters!

Playing it anywhere else will not handle me stuttering -.-.

After trying 20000 diferent enconde settings, I started to testing other contents inside my swf (basicly i downloaded some youtube mp4s) and no stutter in any… so I tried the reverse, I sent my video to youtube, and it stutters! Even on youtube.

Then again, I download that youtube encode and played it on mpc/wmp/vlc, it plays perfect :frowning:

I’m linking the video now, cause at this rate I believe it’s oddly something bout my shooting and not the encoding process -.- :

Anyone has any clue of what might have caused this problem?