Hello guys,
My 1st post here
I’m trying to publish a video in a way that it would only play after 50% is loaded.
I’m using CS3 with AS 2.0.
Here is the code that I found online and adapted:
import mx.video.*;
var listenerObject:Object = new Object();
listenerObject.ready = function(eventObject:Object):Void {
trace("State is " + eventObject.state);
// display the no. of bytes loaded at this point
trace("Bytes loaded: " + my_FLVPlybk.bytesLoaded + " Bytes Total / 2: " + (my_FLVPlybk.bytesTotal / 2));
while(my_FLVPlybk.bytesLoaded < (my_FLVPlybk.bytesTotal / 2)){
my_FLVPlybk.contentPath = "teste.flv";
my_FLVPlybk.addEventListener("ready", listenerObject);
There is no output error when I test locally but with the online test my browser tells me that the script is taking to long to bla bla bla…
I’m new to AS so be gentle
Thank you all!