[FMX]2004 Bug on getURL "POST" with PHP?

Hi all

I think that may be a type of “bug” or something like that in the getURL function from flashMX 2004.

Ok, let me explain.

the flash code is this:

busqueda_doc.varz=yetothermore; (that's about 30 vars)

getURL("doc.php?"+random(1000),"_blank", "POST");

that is supposed to open a browser window, and send the variables on the movie by POST mode. (don’t look that random, it’s just the no-cache-trick)

well, then in the doc.php just can’t reach the variables!

$resultado_post=$_POST[“busqueda_doc”]; and

seems to get the data in a nasty “raw” mode … just like


that’s the only thing i can get by now, i tried all i know, but still not having results.

can only passing variables by post with the “send” command ?
busqueda_doc.send(url,etc,etc); <— that worked, i was able to get the vars
with $jvarx=$HTTP_POST_VARS[“jvarx”]; but not useable for me, i need a new browser window, opening the new page in a different browser.

Any Ideas ? Any colaboration will be great. Thanks All !